Bottis' best face

Congresso a Brescia (Lombardia) per Infermiere, Medico chirurgo: Bottis' best face

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Descrizione del congresso
18 - contenuti tecnico-professionali (conoscenze e competenze) specifici di ciascuna professione, di ciascuna specializzazione e di ciascuna attività ultraspecialistica, ivi incluse le malattie rare e la medicina di genere.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:The participants will be able to watch surgery carried out by some of the most prominent international experts. Lots of time is dedicated to questions and answers in real time during the surgery. The ongoing description of each different passages of surgery makes the sessions very educational. The afternoon sessions and very educational and involve each surgeon showing video material and very interesting case-studies on how to choose the technique in facial rejuvenation surgery. the participants will come away with new skills and information to avoid complications and allow doctors to be able to evaluate the best technique to use. There will be a complex questionnaire at the end of the course making sure that the educational aspects have been covered.
Data:13/09/2024 - 15/09/2024
Comune:Gardone Riviera
Azienda/Ente formativo:Mz Events
Luogo di svolgimento:Corso Zanardelli, 84
Indirizzo:Grand Hotel Gardone Riviera
Crediti assegnati:6
Durata del corso (in ore):25
Quota di partecipazione:1200 €
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Bottis' best face