Biology of plasma cells dyscrasias: from bench to bedside

Congresso a Cagliari (Sardegna) per Biologo, Medico chirurgo: Biology of plasma cells dyscrasias: from bench to bedside

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2 - linee guida - protocolli - procedure.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:Despite significant advances in the treatment of multiple myeloma which had led to unprecedented rates of response and survival, patients still relapse, and cure remains elusive. With the help of leading experts, we propose in this course a roadmap to achieve the dream of cure for multiple myeloma based on different complementary strategies.
Acquisizione competenze di processo:First, to increase knowledge about disease pathogenesis with a focus on the biology of circulating tumor cells, responsible for dissemination and extramedullary disease, and minimal residual disease clones who represent the reservoir of clonal evolution and disease recurrence. second, to consider undetectable measurable residual disease (mrd), defined by high-sensitive techniques, as the new endpoint of therapy. third, to treat disease causation instead of symptomatology through early detection and intervention. If cure is the objective of treating patients with active mm, offering intensive therapies to high-risk patients and a gentle approach to standard risk patients may be a wrong philosophy.
Acquisizione competenze di sistema:The best possible treatment should always be offered to standard risk patients upfront. In high-risk patients, the achievement of mrd negativity is of utmost importance and treatment adaptation to achieve this goal, together with early rescue intervention incorporating novel strategies with bispecific t-cell engagers or car t-cell therapies, should be implemented to prolong the survival of these patients and, ultimately, cure high-risk mm.
Azienda/Ente formativo:Sardiniameeting Srl
Luogo di svolgimento:Hotel Regina Margherita
Indirizzo:Viale Regina Margherita, 44 - 09124
Crediti assegnati:4
Durata del corso (in ore):4
Quota di partecipazione:0 €
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Biology of plasma cells dyscrasias: from bench to bedside