Xiv international biennial meeting daniel dargent 'planned objectives in gynecology'

Congresso a Potenza (Basilicata) per Biologo, Infermiere, Medico chirurgo: Xiv international biennial meeting daniel dargent 'planned objectives in gynecology'

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Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:Discipline di riferimento:
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Mese inizio corso: 
Descrizione del congresso
10 - epidemiologia - prevenzione e promozione della salute – diagnostica – tossicologia con acquisizione di nozioni tecnico-professionali.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:The meeting will be based on updated and interactive sessions about the most relevant and controversial issues and procedures in minimally invasive gynaecological surgery. leaving the deserved space and time to practical knowledges in endoscopic simulation, the notions treated will encourage the participants to actively interact with the audience as well as other collegues, with the aim of stimulate a genuine debate, discussing about the most recent diagnostic techniques and the best surgical treatment options for our patients. main attention will be given to the management of the patient affected by infertility caused by the major conditions susceptible of minimally invasive treatment. the congress will be also an opportunity to finally face a whole new generation of young surgeons, and give them the opportunity to take in charge the efforts and the role of our surgical fathers.
Data:26/05/2022 - 28/05/2022
Azienda/Ente formativo:Euromedical Service S.r.l.
Luogo di svolgimento:Grand Hotel “Pianetamaratea”
Indirizzo:Contrada Santa Caterina, 50
Crediti assegnati:16
Durata del corso (in ore):16
Quota di partecipazione:366 €
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Xiv international biennial meeting daniel dargent 'planned objectives in gynecology'