Management of cardiovascular diseases: a look at the present and a glance into the future. focus on aortic valve disease and heart failure

Congresso a Trapani (Sicilia) per Infermiere, Medico chirurgo, Tecnico della fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria e perfusione cardiovascolare: Management of cardiovascular diseases: a look at the present and a glance into the future. focus on aortic valve disease and heart failure

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Descrizione del congresso
2 - linee guida - protocolli - procedure.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze di sistema:Evolving new technologies are changing the practice of medicine and surgery, posing new challenges to physicians involved in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This interactive course is dedicated to all health professionals, researchers, scientists, whose area of interest is the field of cardiovascular diseases. In a charming location and an informal environment, participants (cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, cardiovascular imaging specialists, anesthesiologists, cardiovascular researchers, allied health professionals, and bioengineers) will have the opportunity to spend three days with internationally recognized experts in the field of cardiovascular diseases. the 2020-year edition of the course will focus on aortic valve disease, aortic aneurysms and on special aspects of heart failure. The expertise and knowledge of a top-class interdisciplinary faculty will provide a comprehensive review of the topics addressed.
Data:28/03/2020 - 30/03/2020
Azienda/Ente formativo:Collage S.p.a.
Luogo di svolgimento:Centro Di Cultura Scientifica Ettore Majorana
Indirizzo:Via Gian Filippo Guarnotti, 26
Crediti assegnati:22
Durata del corso (in ore):22
Quota di partecipazione:0 €
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Management of cardiovascular diseases: a look at the present and a glance into the future. focus on aortic valve disease and heart failure