15th meet the professor. Advanced international breast cancer course (aibcc)

Congresso a Padova (Veneto) per Biologo, Farmacista, Infermiere, Medico chirurgo: 15th meet the professor. Advanced international breast cancer course (aibcc)

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Descrizione del congresso
18 - contenuti tecnico-professionali (conoscenze e competenze) specifici di ciascuna professione, di ciascuna specializzazione e di ciascuna attività ultraspecialistica, ivi incluse le malattie rare e la medicina di genere.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:Mortality from breast cancer is declining in most countries thanks to effective screening programs, early diagnosis, molecular characterization of the different subtypes and biology-driven treatments. A multidisciplinary management of breast cancer patients is therefore the key to success and a breast multidisciplinary team should include - besides the “classic” clinical specialties - pathologists, molecular biologists and oncogeneticists. Furthermore, the availability of multiple diagnostic and therapeutic choices, the increasing costs of new technologies and drugs and the issue of sustainability represent a new challenge for socially-responsible clinicians. with this goal in mind, the programme includes lectures on molecular characterization, updated treatments of early and advanced disease, management of difficult cases and hereditary syndromes.
Data:10/10/2019 - 12/10/2019
Azienda/Ente formativo:Accademia Nazionale Di Medicina
Luogo di svolgimento:Centro Congressi Villa Ottoboni
Indirizzo:Via Padre E. Ramin, 1
Crediti assegnati:11.2
Durata del corso (in ore):16
Quota di partecipazione:250 €
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15th meet the professor. Advanced international breast cancer course (aibcc)